Wednesday, May 14, 2014




Goodnight Post #14

Get some good sleep tonight. Don't stay up too late, it's not the weekend yet.

Cal You Slacker (#NoRoundup/Late Roundup #3)

Cal is trollin and a slackin' again.

Random Videos: Golden Oak Library

Some people might think this one looks ugly, but i for one like it.

Anyway, watch all the random "Golden Oak Library" videos i've found below the break.

My Morning

I don't remember the last time I've had this boring of a morning. It's the kind of morning that just makes me want to go home and sleep half of the rest of the day away, even though I already do that almost everyday. It's going to be even worse in an hour when I have to take a test. Just might have to take a test on a video I haven't been paying attention to this period (seriously, who pays attention to an old black and white movie?). Anyways, hope you're having a better morning than I am.

How Season 4 Really Ended

The Friend Squad Plays PAYDAY: The Heist


I don't even...

Pony of The Day #8

She should've been pony of the day yesterday, but I didn't get the chance to make the post. So here you go. This pony of the day is for my buddy Alan.

Good Morning Post #17 + News

Good morning everyone. I said that I wouldn't be doing posts for a week, but I decided I will do a little. I won't have the normal schedule set up, but I'll still do posts as best as I can. Whatever posting I do will have to be during school or scheduled during school. I can also get a post or two in at night (usually around the time the roundup is posted on EQD).

I'd also like to take a moment to thank you Armosk for doing great so far. As Hoxton would say, great work, professional work.


Something something Twilight something something. I am pretty sure most of you people are too tired to read these words anyway.

Now, get some early music below the break, folks!