Sunday, June 22, 2014

This Blog Is Closed

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Good Morning Post #41

6:30? Really, Sweetie? And you're happy about that? I wake up that early on school days, but I don't have to be happy about it. And you're just a filly! Little fillies should be sleeping in, not waking up so damn early.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Goodnight Post #26

I'm tempted to just shut this blog down. Nobody ever comes here anymore. And I'm the only one that works on it. So it's just a waste of time and effort.

Pony Of The Day #16

Good Morning Post #40

Big Mac, always a hard worker. Time to work the farm.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Pony Of The Day #15

Because best princess is best princess.

Art Time #9

Let's start this with some best princess.

Good Morning Post #39

Trixie Trixie in love with yourself. Meh, everyone loves you. At least Seth makes it seem that way.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Her Biggest Fan

"I'm your biggest fan!" - Her Literal Fan.

My Little Pony For N64: Trixie Edition

Coming never unfortunately.

Pony Of The Day #14

Nobody go Sething, alright?

Wallpaper Compilation #3

Let's start with some best pony. Gonna have lots of her in this one.

Art Time #8 Twilight Sparkle Edition

More wonderful art. Get it below.

Good Morning Post #38

It's the first Monday of my break. But hey, it's Monday! Meaning PAYDAY 2 and other computer like stuff.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Art Time #7 Scootaloo Edition

Scoot scoot. Art work of Scootaloo and featuring Scootaloo. Get it below.


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Goodnight Post #25

Haven't had one of these in a while. At least it seems like that. I'll try to keep these going.

A Little Interesting

If Only...

I'd fix my N64 if there was a FIM game for it.

Nostalgic Art Piece Of The Day #1

How could I ever forget this piece of art right here? It's amazing. Probably been around for longer than many of you have.

Pony Of The Day #13

Because she's adorable.

News: Schedule So Far

The schedule I have for what posts I currently have planned so far. Get it below

More Scootaloo

Now about that lack of Scootaloo. Consider this a little peek at what's to come later.

Madame Pinkie

She knows your future. She knows all. She's looking into your future right now.

Art Time #6 BIG!

Let's start this with a picture that you won't find on Deviantart anymore. Thank Celestia for unintended archiving. This is also the largest Art Time post I've done. I REALLY went all out on it, grabbing pictures for half an hour.

Good Morning Post #37

Wake up. It's a Saturday.


Isn't pirate Pinkie awesome?


Friday, June 13, 2014

I'm Not Dead

Just rather busy lately. And yes, I finally noticed the invitation I got to be an author here. I'll try to help War out as much as I can here. It looks like he could use a little bit of assistance. This place could use some more Scootaloo too.


Closed due to no activity and little time to work on posts. Posts already scheduled shall continue however.

Lesson: My Little Pony Fanfictions

The how to on fanfiction.

Comic: Call of The CMC

Wake Up Alan

Come back to us Alan...

Rainbow Dash Is @ A Subway

Yes she is.

IRL Ponies Compilation #1

Sweetie Belle loves pizza. And I love IRL ponies. Get some below the break.


Me this morning in my rush.

Comic: I Think Someone's Watching Me by raidengekkou

Pony Song Of The Day #1

Finally got around to a pony song of the day. Never got the one I wanted to start with, but oh well. Get an excellent song below.

Art Time #5

Runnin on some all natural coffee I am. Have a lovely duet to start this out.

Wallpaper Compilation #2

I know Art Time posts are supposed to fill the 11:00 AM slot, but I'm scheduling posts for the whole day with only an hour or an hour and a half's time and I have to make good use of that time. So just accept the wallpapers.

Internet Fight

Good Morning Post #36

The last day of school. Here it is.

The Solar Traitor

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Goodnight Post #24

It's that time of the night. I'm still not looking forward to tomorrow. The last day of school, one hour long, and then I'm gonna be on my long internet lacking break.

Art Time #4 Rarity Edition

I guess I can give Rarity some love every now and then.

Good Morning Post #35

That's me this morning. I'm tired as hell. Can barely keep my eyes open. To make things worse, I have more finals today.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Art Time #3 Luna Edition

Because best princess.

Good Morning Post #34

Good morning everyone! Today shall be a mighty fine day!