Sunday, September 21, 2014

Goodnight Post #82

She's really going to regret that, Gilda is going to not survive Pinkie's aftermatch!

Goodnight everypony! Enjoy dreamland!

Pony Motivational #16

"U" is for you and me! "N" is for anywhere at any time at all! Right here in Equestria!

A Nightly Gift # 73

Hot dang! Best picture ever!

Headcanon Generator #72

Rainbow Dash, she's a quick one! What headcanons do you have on RD?

Song of the Day #72

Fluttershy and her voice, someone really wanted to hear it, so they made this.

Free Space #72

D'aaaw! Lyra is so cute! Do whatever you want in the comments!

Comic Time #71

Wow, becoming an alicorn looks painful. Get some more comics below!

A Talk With a Mod #72

She's always so graceful! It comes naturally for best princess! Talk to me or ask me questions!

Random Episode #31

My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic - Season 4... by MLPFiMVideos
Man, this was a weird opener, very weird!

Flare's Afternoon Video

She sure does! And that's one of the reasons I love her!

Pony Web Game #54

I'm counting this as a game due to the need for your input. Just click and boop Pinkie's nose, and you get a hug! Click the pic to get to the game!

Pony of the Day #105

She's the most getalongenst pony you'll ever meet! So you should all want to meet here!

Who do you want to be the next PotD?

Yesterdays' Poll Results

I always wondered how the violin could've been played by an Earth Pony, but this only half answers it. Get numbers below!

Daily Poll #56

Who do you like more? Twilight, or Trixie? Vote in the comments!

Morning Gifts #53

Man the Chrome pony looks cute! I love that shade of blue! Get more gifts below!

Good morning Post #105

Rainbow Dash knows how to wake up. Well this is the only time I've seen you rise with the sun.

Good morning everypony!