Thursday, July 24, 2014

Goodnight Post #34

I think I'll take this one. Been a long time since I did one of these, right? Nobody will notice I'm sure. Well I'm sure someone will, since there'll be one less post to schedule. Anyways, time to go to sleep.

Nightly Debrief #2

Well today I had my court diversion, so let's have a header fitting of that. I was nervous as hell, but things turned out great. I'll tell you more below.

A Nightly Gift #9

Here's some cute to start to end your night, tomorrow's might be the opposite.

Headcanon Generator #9

How do you think Celestia ruled alone for 1000 years? Tell me what you think.

Help me build up my headcanon bank.

Song of the Day #9

This song got me into brony music! Now brony music is almost all the music I listen to!

Free Space #9

Princess Luna is cool, and I love her new design! Enjoy your free talk space!

Comic Time #9

Wow, this first one really makes me think. Get the rest below.

A Talk With a Mod #9

Best pony AND Kingdom Hearts! Now that is an awesome combination! Bring me your questions!

Ship of the Day #3

Today's ship is the only canon one! There was a whole episode about it!

Flare's Afternoon Video

When I first became a brony these were the type of videos I watched in confusion.

Yesterday's Poll Results

Can you guess who won the last poll? Get the votes and the answer after the break!

How Dirty is Your Mind #9

Hey look! It's Colgate! (Or Minutte) She wants you brush your teeth! Or something else, I'm not too sure.

Daily Poll #8

Spike, he doesn't get too much attention. So which Spike episode is your favorite?

Mine is "Equestria Games". What's yours?

Morning Gifts #7

They are now all the princesses of duckface and selfies! Neh, too demeaning. Get your morning started off right!


Good Morning Post #49

Cadence, Shining looks so peaceful. THROW WATER ON HIM!! That always works on brother.

Good morning everypony!