Monday, July 21, 2014

Goodnight Post #31

Filly Vinyl sleeping with an Octavia plush, I knew it!

Goodnight everypony! Enjoy dreamland!

Nightly Gift #5

Derpy is always a good gift! Here's some cute Derpy for tonight's gift.

Headcanon Generator #5

Starswirl the bearded, we know very little of him. Here's the headcanon I need help with; do you think Starswirl is now Discord?

If not, than what happened to him?

Help me with this question!

Song of the Day #5

Applejack is such a silly pony! On a side note, this is my theme song!

Free Space #5

This is very well done picture of Rarity! It's beautiful!

Discuss whatever!

Comic Time #5

The wubs have been doubled! Yes I said that, get more comics below!

A Talk With a Mod #5

Lyra as Number IX, now that's awesome!

Ask me things!

Art Time #12

This is a beautiful Applejack picture! So nice. Get more art after the break!

Flare's Afternoon Video

Celestia gets bored, she needs something to do..... I guess.

Yesterdays Poll Results

Get the poll results below the break!

How Dirty is Your Mind #5

This is an awesome drawing! That's how I see it. Do you see it that way?

Daily Poll #5

No don't kill them all AJ! Anyway, who is your favorite Apple family member?

Mine is Applejack! Just look at her!

Morning Gifts #4

Fashion ponies! Fashion ponies! Fashion ponies! They'er awesome! Especially Rarity!
Get the rest of the gifts after the break!

Good Morning Post #46

Celestia needs to raise the sun soon! It's 7:00am and There's nothing in the sky!

Good morning everpony!