Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Goodnight Post #92

I guess Bon Bon is okay with drool, but then again, I wouldn't mind a pony sleeping on me. I think that came out wrong.

Goodnight everypony! Enjoy dreamland!

A Nightly Gift #85

I know I've used this as a header before, but sweet Celestia! This is beautiful! Gorgeous!! I can't stop staring!

Headcanon Generator #85

What are your Flutterbat headcanons? Tell the world! Let them know your opinion!

Song of the Day #85

This isn't bad, nice rhythm, good singing, all that stuff that makes music!

Free Space #85

Those eyes! I mean, this is very nice. Do whatever you want in the comments.

Comic Time #85

Oh Celestia no! Not the needle! Get more comics below! And hope Woona gets stopped by Tia!

A Talk With a Mod #85

Hug her! You can't resist the "kill you cute" this picture is emitting! Talk to me, or ask me questions!

Random Episode #41

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Season 3... by My-Little-Pony-Episodes
This was such an odd episode, it had two sides, and this was the second one!

Flare's Afternoon Video

Oh I love this videos. This one is my fave, I wonder if anyone knows why.

Pony Web Game #64

Play as Twilight Sparkle jumping on platforms, that's it. Don't fall. Click the pic to get the game!

Pony of the Day #115

Twilight is best wonderbolt! Being an alicorn helps too. She needs to be seen like this more!

Who do you want to be the next PotD?

Yesterday's Poll Results

It seems that this could be possible, and it couldn't be. I saw it's a possibility, because ponies.

Daily Poll #66

This is the gorgeous drawing of Rainbow Dash I've ever seen! It's just... so beautiful. Who do you think is the cutest of the mane 6? Vote in the comments

Morning Gifts #63

Chrysalis is sooooo cute! Get more gifts below!

Good Morning Post #115

It's always good to stretch when you wake up. Stretches your muscles.

Good morning everypony!