Friday, June 13, 2014

I'm Not Dead

Just rather busy lately. And yes, I finally noticed the invitation I got to be an author here. I'll try to help War out as much as I can here. It looks like he could use a little bit of assistance. This place could use some more Scootaloo too.


Closed due to no activity and little time to work on posts. Posts already scheduled shall continue however.

Lesson: My Little Pony Fanfictions

The how to on fanfiction.

Comic: Call of The CMC

Wake Up Alan

Come back to us Alan...

Rainbow Dash Is @ A Subway

Yes she is.

IRL Ponies Compilation #1

Sweetie Belle loves pizza. And I love IRL ponies. Get some below the break.


Me this morning in my rush.

Comic: I Think Someone's Watching Me by raidengekkou

Pony Song Of The Day #1

Finally got around to a pony song of the day. Never got the one I wanted to start with, but oh well. Get an excellent song below.

Art Time #5

Runnin on some all natural coffee I am. Have a lovely duet to start this out.

Wallpaper Compilation #2

I know Art Time posts are supposed to fill the 11:00 AM slot, but I'm scheduling posts for the whole day with only an hour or an hour and a half's time and I have to make good use of that time. So just accept the wallpapers.

Internet Fight

Good Morning Post #36

The last day of school. Here it is.

The Solar Traitor