Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I try to keep the personal posts down on this blog, but sometimes things become too important or too exciting not to do so. So with some very good news I would like to say, I have graduated from high school! Yup! I have officially finished with public schooling! Goodbye crappy public education system!

Pinkie Pie and Vinyl would like to throw a party for me! Who wants to come?

Also sorry for the lack of posts in the last 2 hours, running this site by yourself isn't easy. I will have a Drawpony up for you all by 6! Maybe an artist stagelight by 5!

Comments (13)

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Congratulations on graduating!! That's a big accomplishment, and something to be celebrated! http://youtu.be/AOrVLrq6kDg
Yay cyber you made it!!
Congrats CYBER!!!!!!

5 replies · active 551 weeks ago
Yup! Gorem is now a Mod because he will be helping me post while Warisarcy is away!
Hi there Blue-ra Goremstrings.
Bahahahahaha XD
Hehe, I hope sometime in the future I can become a mod here too! Even if it's a long time from now, I'd be glad to help post here. I've got too much free time anyway.
the only reason this blogs gained this much attention is cause of Cybers posts as well, he needs some helpers! : D if we do his plans like he posted on Cronus's forums, be great to see what we do!
Gr8 mate! I was glad to get out of blasted school when I graduated let me tell ya. Here's to a fantastic future.

Are you going to college?
1 reply · active 551 weeks ago
Not this year but next year!
Congraturationz!!! Good job, Cyber!!! Tonight, we shall have a feast!
Congratulations Cyber!

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